Fit and Sizing

At Arntson Marine®, we personally handcraft our own patterns, geometry and fit. As such, we carefully engineer our hats and caps, to achieve our vision of ocean performance headwear. Because we want all customers to experience good fit, we offer both hats and caps in multiple sizes. We offer our full brim hats in 3 sizes: S/M (Small/Medium), M/L (Medium-Large), XL/XXL(Extra-Large/Extra Extra-Large) 

We offer our caps in OSFM - One Size Fits Most. 

To provide excellence of fit, every piece of headwear has micro adjustment and elasticated flex. This ensures all day comfort and adequate tensioning as conditions may demand.

Head-Measuring Instructions

Use a soft tape measure. You may substitute with a length of string, ribbon or paper strip. It is important your measuring tool is narrow and does not stretch. For Arntson Marine® hats and caps, measuring placement should circle at your mid-forehead, just above your eyebrows, wrapping behind your ear tips over the crotch of your ear, and then passing under your occipital knob at the back of your head. Pull the tape firmly, but not so tight that it would be uncomfortable. Using a mirror, note on your measuring device where it completes a full circumference.Remove the measuring device and lay flat, marking or taking note of the point of circumference. If using a substitute device like string, ribbon or paper, lay alongside a ruler, yardstick, or steel tape measure to retrieve your dimension. Take your head dimension and look at our fit chart to determine your hat or cap size. All Arntson Marine® hats and caps have a micro-adjustment fit system for personal adjustability.

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